viernes, 15 de julio de 2016

1º Jinete Acabado!!!

Tras unas Semanas de Locura... Por Fin Acabé la figura!!! Yeah!!!

Sin más os dejo con las fotos del Jinete Cimerio y disfrutéis. Y ya en estos días os hago una renovación larguita con el último festival que pise. Un abrazo y que tengáis buen Julio.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hell yeah! Fantastic painted mini! I love a horse skin colour!

    1. Thank you very much for your comment , the truth that is a figure that has cost me much paint for such a large amount of detail that has but really enjoyed it . I hope to finish soon the other two riders and make family photo. Horse skin the paint mixing brown GW Rhinox hide with red GW Khorne red and enlighten gently with some white ( previously gave a layer of black ink to outline the muscles well before all the painting process ) . A big hug and hope you have a very good month of July !!!
